



ontario pork news


Ontario Pork

  • 7 February 2017

A 2015 Ipsos survey found that 61% of consumers can name pork chops when asked about which cuts they’re aware of—with pork tenderloin and ribs following close behind. But pork belly? Shoulder roasts? Ground pork? Not so much.

Over the past year, Ontario Pork has been working to deliver education and promotional outreach activities aimed at increasing the depth and breadth of Ontarians’ food literacy as it relates to pork. Our emphasis in 2017 is to educate the public on the use of under-utilized pork cuts such as legs and shoulders. Greater familiarity with these cuts and cooking methods will help to drive consumption at retail, which will promote higher carcass utilization and less waste. This results in better returns for both retailers and processors.

All of this is why we’ve launched #ThinkOutsidetheChops, a campaign to educate, inspire, and have some fun with cuts other than the Big 3 (chops, tenderloin, and ribs).

Through print and digital ads, events, and a host of social media content, we are showing Ontarians how to #ThinkOutsidetheChops.

Tweet, Facebook, and Instagram how you #ThinkOutsidetheChops in your retail or foodservice or farm gate location—we’d love to hear from you!

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Twitter: @PickOntarioPork
Instagram: Ontario Pork

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Ontario Pork

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Ontario Pork

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Ontario Pork represents the 1,192 farmers who market 5.41 million hogs in the province. The organization is engaged in many areas, including research, government representation, environmental issues, consumer education and food quality assurance.

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