Retail - consumers




ontario pork news

Ask what the label can do for you

Ontario Pork

  • 8 August 2017
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3889
Ask what the label can do for you

What are the benefits of joining Ontario Pork’s branding program? How does the “green checkmark” logo help retailers and restaurants give customers what they want? What resources can you get – free of charge – by becoming a member? Answers to all that and more

Millennial Family Grocery Buying Habits


  • 7 March 2017
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3507
Millennial Family Grocery Buying Habits

Like it or not, millennials are a force to be reckoned with in your grocery store. Take a look.

Retailer Resources

Ontario Pork

  • 7 February 2017
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 0
Retailer Resources

Start the new year by freshening up your meat counter with some Ontario Pork stickers, labels, danglers, posters and dividers, available to Ontario retailers for free! 

Farm-gate to plate: how to prime consumers’ brains for the ‘buy’ decision

Dr. Brynn Winegard

  • 8 November 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 3861
Farm-gate to plate: how to prime consumers’ brains for the ‘buy’ decision
Why do consumers make different decisions at-shelf than they indicated they would on the survey or in the focus group? Something mysterious and interesting happens in the conversion between ‘prospective consumer who is self-reporting likelihood of a future purchase’ and ‘actual shopper who is deciding on purchase choice for themselves and family, in-situ, in real time.’ 

7 pork retail cuts you need in your meat counter this winter

  • 6 September 2016
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 4934
7 pork retail cuts you need in your meat counter this winter

As consumers’ tastes begin moving away from the grill and towards the slow cooker and oven as they seek out those comfort foods, roasts are a consumer favourite. Everyone knows the staple cuts to have in the counter—centre cut pork loin roast, combo chops, and pork tenderloin—these are always in season and no counter should ever be without them. But how about something different this winter? Here are 7 cuts you may not be thinking about:

Restaurants and Retailers: You can help consumers make sense of rising food prices

Owen Roberts - University of Guelph

  • 3 November 2015
  • Author: Admin-Retail
  • Number of views: 4308
Restaurants and Retailers: You can help consumers make sense of rising food prices

In polls meant to inform the 2015 Canadian federal election, voters called rising food costs the second biggest problem facing our nation.

Food costs rated so high, in fact, they trailed only the rising cost of living, and surpassed some real heavyweight issues, such as the economy and pensions.

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Ontario Pork

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Ontario Pork represents the 1,192 farmers who market 5.41 million hogs in the province. The organization is engaged in many areas, including research, government representation, environmental issues, consumer education and food quality assurance.

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