Precision Feeding of Gestating Sows: Use of Electronic Sow Feeders to Reduce Feed Costs and Nutrient Losses into the Environment, While Improving Sow Productivity and Welfare - Ontario Pork - Completed Research
Thursday, January 23, 2025

Completed Research

Ontario Pork has a call for research proposals once a year. These projects were approved for funding by the board on recommendation of the research committee. If you have questions or need further information about the research posted here please contact Jessica Fox at [email protected]

Completed Research

Precision Feeding of Gestating Sows: Use of Electronic Sow Feeders to Reduce Feed Costs and Nutrient Losses into the Environment, While Improving Sow Productivity and Welfare

Precision Feeding of Gestating Sows: Use of Electronic Sow Feeders to Reduce Feed Costs and Nutrient Losses into the Environment, While Improving Sow Productivity and Welfare

Project 16-004 - Researchers: Ira Mandell and Lee-Ann Huber, University of Guelph

Mar 2018-Mar 2022
Dr. Ira Mandell, University of Guelph

Using feeding programs that precisely match estimated daily energy and Lys requirements for gestating sows provides the opportunity to reduce nitrogen losses to the environment and reduce lactation feed usage, without negatively affecting sow reproductive and lactation performance. Depending on commodity prices and individual farm factors, implementing a precision feeding program in gestation could be a means to reduce gestation and lactation feed costs. Precisely meeting estimated daily lysine and energy requirements during gestation throughout three consecutive parities improved offspring ADG and daily feed intake in the final phase of the nursery period but with no effects on feed efficiency, relative gastrointestinal organ weights, or small intestinal histomorphology. Precision feeding Lys and energy during gestation had minimal effects on offspring growth performance during the grower and finisher phases, or carcass and loin quality at slaughter. Since there were no differences in off-spring feed efficiency or carcass value, the potential for economic benefit from using a precision feeding program for gestating sows may be achieved with four fewer days to market for offspring from parity 1 and 2 sows leading to reduced feed costs, yardage savings, and a faster barn turnover time.

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