Friday, February 15, 2019
Fresh pork gives Chatham-Kent food banks a protein boost
Food banks in Chatham-Kent will receive almost 3,000 pounds of fresh ground pork this year, thanks to a donation coordinated by the Kent Federation of Agriculture and supported by the Kent Pork Producers’ Association.
The donation, announced on February 9, is part of a larger annual initiative to mark Food Freedom Day – the day when the average Canadian has earned enough income to pay for a year’s worth of groceries. The Food Freedom Day initiative has seen steady growth in support from the local agricultural community since it began. Fresh pork is an important source of nutrients including protein, iron, and vitamin B12, and an important addition to food bank shelves.
Roesch Meats prepared the meat, and several Federation members donated their time to help wrap pork, allowing the meats to be donated at cost. In all, close to 50 local individuals, businesses and agriculture organizations contributed to cover the cost of the food donations made to the Salvation Army and Outreach for Hunger in Chatham-Kent.