The Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement (CCSI) held their annual general meeting in Ottawa, Ontario on July 5, 2018. A new Executive Committee was elected, with Brent Robinson appointed to a second term as Chair of CCSI.
Brent Robinson is an owner of Vista Villa Farms with his dad, Bob, and his brother, Jeff. Vista Villa Farms, a breeding stock supplier both domestically and internationally, was started by Bob and Rose Robinson. Vista Villa Farms is a partner of Alliance Genetics Canada. Along with being the chair of CCSI, Brent is also a director on the board at Ontario Swine Improvement and a member of the Ontario Swine Health Advisory Board. Brent is married to Susan and they have 5 boys. Brent volunteers his time with his children’s hockey and baseball teams.
Joining Mr. Robinson on this year’s Board of Directors are Rod de Wolde (Ontario Swine Improvement), Jacques Faucher (Centre de développement du porc du Québec), Wim Van Berkel (Western Swine Testing Association), John Ross (Canadian Pork Council), Colleen Roehrig (Canadian Meat Council), Line Théroux (Canadian Swine Breeders Association), Dave Vandenbroek (Alliance Genetics Canada), Marquis Roy (Alphagene), Ken Hamoen (Sandridge Farm), Murray Duggan (Fast Genetics) and Lee Whittington (Prairie Swine Centre). CCSI would like to thank Bill Wymenga and Normand Martineau for their years of dedication and service to CCSI on the Board of Directors.
The Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement was created by the Canadian Pork Industry to provide leadership, coordination and services for swine genetic improvement. Its members are the regional swine improvement centers in Western Canada, Ontario, Quebec and Atlantic Canada, the Canadian Pork Council, the Canadian Meat Council, the Canadian Swine Breeders Association and users of the Canadian Swine Improvement Program.
CCSI Board of Directors 2018
Left to Right, Back Row: Rod de Wolde, Wim Van Berkel, Brent Robinson, Lee Whittington, Dave Vandenbroek
Front Row: Jacques Faucher, Marquis Roy, Colleen Roehrig, John Ross, Murray Duggan, Brian Sullivan (CEO)
Canadian Centre for Swine Improvement Inc.
960 Carling Avenue, Building 75
Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0C6
Tel: (613) 233 – 8872 Fax: (613) 233-8903
Email: [email protected] Website: