Ontario Government’s Pre-Budget Consultation (Spring 2020)
Ontario Pork outlined key recommendations as part of the Minister’s 2020 Ontario Pre-Budget consultations with a focus on:
The importance of increasing hog processing capacity by 40,000 to 60,000 hogs per week as processing challenges continue to impede production. Ontario Pork would be interested to work jointly with the government to develop short- and long-term solutions to the processing challenges the pork sector is facing,
Continued challenges resulting from escalating trade wars and market price declines caused largely by trade disputes, especially with China and the drawn-out ratification of the Canada–United States–Mexico Agreement (CUSMA), and
An urgent need for government to implement its election platform commitment to raise the Ontario Risk Management Program (RMP) budget cap by $50M.
Read more by downloading Ontario Pork’s budget consultation submission, found below.
Last updated February 10, 2020