Ontario Government’s Fall Budget Consultation (2020)
Ontario Pork thanks the provincial government for its commitment to keeping Ontarians safe and assisting sectors in need of financial support during these difficult COVID-19 circumstances.
COVID-19 has created significant challenges for pork producers, pushing prices generally lower as restaurant demand disappeared, and packing production backlogs strained processing capacity. The impact of COVID-19 continues to be felt across the pork sector as Ontario pork producers are forecasted to lose more than $200 million in 2020.
Ontario Pork and the Ontario Pork Industry Council have held resiliency training for industry, and we have also provided mental health resources to pork producers, to assist with any mental health issues they are experiencing.
Our asks for the government’s fall 2020 budget are straightforward: maintain the Ontario Risk Management program funding, work with the livestock industry to increase processing capacity in Ontario and commit to continued resources to ensure that foreign animal diseases (FAD) do not enter Canada.
Read more by downloading Ontario Pork’s budget consultation submission, found below.
Last updated October 14, 2020