Ontario Pork supports efforts that are intended to manage the risks that livestock feeds pose to human, animal, and plant health and the environment, however, we do not agree with the restriction on the use of zinc as outlined in the swine table related to the Maximum Nutrient Values for Feeds. We also note that the Agency has missed an opportunity to utilize the Feed Regulations, 2022 to control the import of feed or feed grains from countries infected with a foreign animal disease (FAD).
Ontario Pork recommends the following of CFIA:
- Amend the “Tables of Maximum Nutrient Values for Feeds” to allow for the use of zinc oxide at levels up to 3,000 mg/kg for the two-week post-weaning period for starter pigs weighing 7 kg and between 7 - 11 kg.
- Use the authority under the Feeds Act to control the import of feed (or feed grains) from countries infected with a foreign animal disease.
Read more by downloading Ontario Pork’s submission, found below.
Last updated October 15, 2021